Factors that Influence the Utilization of Tools
In various kinds of jobs and employment settings, the factors that influence the utilization of tools have been stated as follows:
Mistakes in Construction Works – In the construction of buildings and houses, it is important to identify the flaws and inconsistencies that are part of the construction works. When one has looked into the pros and cons, and have identified the mistakes, then it is vital to make use of proper tools and equipment that is required in the operation of tasks.
Poor Quality of Construction Works – When any kind of work is performed in an inadequate manner by the workers, then it is understood that the construction tools are of deprived quality. The performance of most of the manual jobs depends upon the usage of tools, therefore, it has to be made sure that the tools and the equipment used are of good quality.
Selection and Recruitment of Unskilled Workers – The workers that are engaged in the performance of jobs possess different levels of skills and abilities. They are all different as far as their aptitude, capability and performance is concerned. There are some workers who are unskilled, therefore, the possession of adequate skills are necessary as far as performance of work duties are concerned.
Equipment Shortages and Unavailability of Materials – When there is shortages of equipment and unavailability of materials, then it is vital that the tools should be utilized in such a manner that would enhance more productivity. Besides, the proper utilization of tools, the workforce should be productive in their performance in order to incur more productivity and goodwill.
Low Productivity of Workers – When advancements and modernization did not take place, when there were no tools, equipment and machines, then workers performed all the tasks and were engaged in the production and manufacturing of goods on a manual basis. With the occurrence of advancements and modernization, with the introduction of modern machines, equipment and apparatus, the individuals have acquired the skills to make use of it and there has been development in productivity.
Changes to Specifications and Specified Materials – When an industry is involved in the production and manufacturing of goods, then it formulates an objective that with advancements in technology and equipment, improvements would also come about in the products. In order to implement this objective, it is important that changes should come about in specifications and the utilization of materials.
Demands and Requirements – The production factor depends upon the demands and requirements of the customers, external as well as the internal sources of the organization. When customers have an increase in demand for a good or a service, then the organization is expected to make use of the labour and the tools in such a manner that would lead to enhancement in productivity, so that there would be more profit.
“There are numerous jobs that require the utilization of different kinds of tools, machinery, equipment and instruments. The jobs that require the utilization of tools include the agricultural sector, construction, industry, production, manufacturing, medical, jobs of the electrician, carpenter, plumber, welder, artisans, craftsmen, pottery making, engineers; all these individuals make use of some or the other kinds of tools within their jobs.”