We shall develop a tagging system for the control of site personnel movement.
Each tag shall be painted green on one side and red on the other side. The green side signifies ‘ON SITE’ such tags shall be provided to equal the number of personnel on-site. The roster will match the numbers.
Each personnel upon arrival at the site turns his tag showing green while he displays the red side upon departure from the site.
A daily personnel movement log shall also be maintained. Likewise, the safety officer shall log in the number of workers present/absent, sick leave etc into his report book.
Efforts shall be made to safeguard all persons, material and equipment at the project site. Only persons related with work shall be allowed into the works site. All visitors to the works site. All visitors to the work site shall be fully briefed on proper conduct at the site, emergency procedures, muster point etc. And they shall be made to wear the requiste PPEs and to conduct themselves properly.
Any one deemed unfit to enter the site either for reasons of adequate training, protection from the hazards on site, security or any other reason, may be refused entry.
All site personal shall wear coveralls with the inscription “CONNEXXION GROUP LIMITED at the back.
All site workers must wear at all times their identity cards.
Arrangement shall be made for the premob audit on company’s personnel, plant and equipment billed for the job, prior to mobilization. The audit shall cover the HSE programme for the work, and shall be conducted by the client’s sponsor and safety Department. The purpose of such audit is to ascertain the level of preparedness and compliance with HSE requirements enshrined in the contract.
The audit findings shall be documented and distributed to all action parties for any possible corrective action. A follow-up premob audit shall be arranged to assure that points raised in previous audits have been complied with. Mobilization of personnel and quipment to projects site shall be made if the audit certifies that all premob conditions have been met. The sponsor department on behalf of CLIENT shall issue a certificate covering the premobbed items and equipment. A copy of such certification shall be retained at the project site.
Connexxion engineering limited specializes in the following: Service Features Borehole drilling for water Exploration drilling Blast-hole drilling Symmetrix drilling of problem
All transport of persons in open-backed vehicles is strictly prohibited and shall not be allowed. All passengers in high and medium vehicles